UP-PF in fixed wing up series of automatic driving instrument is a oriented model enthusiasts autopilot, when after the installation of fixed wing, through mobile phones, game controller or remote control to half self-help mode to control the aircraft, even can fly out of the line of sight, under ground station information or return image distances FPV flight, after losing communication automatically revert to the automatic flight mode. Also can use mobile phone or gamepad button automatic roll, somersault, inverted and the self driving apparatus safety control of stunt flying. The system includes: airborne flight control ground station software, APP software, mobile phone, Bluetooth and wireless data transmission based on data link. It can control all kinds of oil, electric fixed wing layout model, the remote control can be a key from the pure remote control mode to the semi autonomous mode, so that the aircraft from any attitude to return to set Gaoping flying state, this feature can be a beginner's coach. In automatic navigation mode, the flight route and navigation point can be set up on the ground station or on the mobile APP map, which can be modified in real time to fly in real time. Have a key function of automatic take-off, a parachute. Can also be on the ground floor of the mobile phone map to guide the flight.